Schedule an Astrology Consultation
You are as unique as the stars. Your birth chart shows your strengths, weaknesses, areas of challenge, opportunity, and innate skills and talents. My intention is to help you understand yourself by discovering how these traits affect your life today.
Natal chart interpretation [$100]
If you have never had a personal astrological consultation, I recommend starting here. Your consultation includes a 45-minute conversation with me on Zoom, and a 3-5-page handwritten (not computed generated) overview that I’ll email to you two (2) days before our scheduled meeting.
Pluto and You [$125]
In this chart you’ll discover how the planet of long-term change and challenges affects your life from birth to the future. Learn how your upbringing has affected you and how you can overcome issues you’ve had to deal with all your life. Your consultation includes a 45-minute conversation with me on Zoom and a 3-5-page handwritten (not computer generated) overview that I’ll email you two (2) days before our scheduled meeting.
Relationship interpretation [$150]
Compatibility goes far beyond the Sun sign attraction. While you each bring your own strengths and challenges to the relationship, the relationship itself has a life of its own created from your blended charts. Your consultation includes a 60-minute conversation with me on Zoom and a 4–6-page handwritten (not computer generated) overview that I’ll email to you two (2) days before our scheduled meeting.
Child (0–16) interpretation [$100]
Accepting your children for the individuals they are is crucial to their becoming emotionally healthy and successful adults. Knowing the strengths and challenges they were born with helps you to guide them, reinforce their natural talents, and understand what makes them tick. The newborn natal chart will help you know your baby from their first breath on earth. Chart interpretations for an older child or teen helps you to help them navigate their growing pain years. The child interpretation chart makes an ideal gift for any parent. Your (or the gift recipient’s) consultation includes a 45-minute conversation with me on Zoom and a 4–6-page handwritten (not computer generated) overview that I’ll email to you (or the gift recipient) two (2) days before our scheduled meeting.
Please complete the form below
Include the date (mm/dd/yyyy), time (am/pm), and place of birth.