Three easy ways move to a whole-food, plant-based diet and finally lose weight forever

Quick, Comforting, and Delicious for any meal

Quick, Comforting, and Delicious for any meal

For most of my life, the concept of switching to a plant-based diet never once entered my mind. Not when my eating habits spiraled out of control. Not when I spent the next twenty years trying everything but the simplest way to lose weight, and that is to stop eating unhealthy foods.

Maybe you feel the same way. You might think that giving up animal and dairy products and highly processed foods means eating boring meals of vegetables and salads. Or that you have to sacrifice flavor and variety. That’s what I thought too. But changing to a plant-based diet wasn’t as difficult or depriving as I imagined.

Everything you make with animal and dairy products can be made with plant foods. You can eat much more volume for far fewer calories. You will get much better nutrition so that you feel satisfied longer, and you’ll have more energy because your body isn’t fighting the chemicals and preservatives in processed foods.

Here are three easy ways you can start.

1.     Go plant-based at least one day a week. Meatless Monday is a great idea, but you chose a day that’s convenient for you. Remember that plant-based doesn’t include processed and pre-packaged food. The item may not contain meat or dairy, but most processed foods contain little nutrition. After a week, move to one plant-based meal a day.

2.     Don’t drink anything but water, tea, and coffee. If you usually take cream and sugar, substitute unsweetened, unflavored plant milk. Ask for plant milk at your favorite coffee bar too. There are many on the market now, including almond, oat, rice and others. If you must have sweetener, add a little maple syrup. That’s what I did at the beginning.

3.     Find an accountability partner. Everything is easier when you have someone with whom to share ideas. My partner is a friend who was into plant-based eating long before I was. She helped and supported me while I made the move to a plants-only diet, and we cooked together as I was learning. Even if you both are just beginning to switch from meat and dairy, you can help each other and have fun while you learn how to make more nutritious meals.

Moving to a plant-based diet saved my life. I lost 122 pounds, my BMI dropped fourteen points, and my total cholesterol dropped seventy points. Today, I have more energy and feel better than I did twenty years ago. I almost waited too long. You can start moving toward a healthy diet today. Ask me questions. I’m here to help you.

Quick Black Bean Bowl with Citrus Rice

1 15-oz.can black beans, rinsed and drained

1 teaspoon cumin

1 teaspoon garlic powder

½ cup salsa

¼ cup red bell or sweet mini-peppers, cut in bite-size pieces

2 cups frozen, pre-cooked brown rice (I used 365 brand)

½ lime

½ lemon

1½ cups prepared coleslaw mix

1 avocado, sliced

Heat beans; stir in cumin and garlic powder. Mix well and add salsa.

In a small pot, heat frozen rice with two tablespoons water. Remove from heat. Squeeze lime and lemon and add juice to the rice.

In a bowl, arrange beans, citrus rice, and coleslaw mix. Top with sweet peppers and avocado slices. Top with additional lime juice if desired.

Makes 2 servings