Right off the bat, Venus goes retrograde on the 1st in excitable Aries pushing our impatience and irritability buttons. Don’t be surprised if an ex or two try to crawl back into your life. If you decide to talk, do your best to stay calm. If you don’t, that’s fine. In fiery Aries, the love goddess makes it easier to do what’s best for you. Venus also rules beauty and luxury. When she’s retrograde in I-want-it-now Aries, what we think is a bargain could become a budget buster. So, curb any spend-till-the-cards-melt urges. Keep your money in the bank. This isn’t the best time for wild changes in our appearance either. Stick to your normal hair style, color, fillers, and clothing because retro Venus clouds our judgement about what we think looks good.

            Next, Mercury adds more mayhem to the mix. First, he flies into Aries on the 3rd, doubling down the need to speak clearly, but kindly, and try to avoid misunderstandings. Then he turns retrograde on the 15th, screwing with our verbal and technical communications. Watch your mouth, your email, social media, and texts. He’s running backward until April 7, so if you’re planning to travel, double-check your reservations, car, and give yourself plenty of extra time to get where you’re going. Back up your computer too. I normally don’t sweat a Mercury Rx, but with everything else going on right now, and his spin through Aries, it’s a good idea to be on the safe side.

            Not all is bad—this is an excellent time to slow down and take another look at a project or plan and fine tune the details. Also, if you’re in the mood to start spring cleaning, March is a great month to start tossing junk.

            At the end of the month, Venus slinks back into Pisces, giving us a breather from fight-or-flight mode. And when Neptune moves into Aries on the 30th, everyone gets a boost of inspiration and imagination.

To get a deeper look at what may be going on in your world this month, read your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs.


This is a test. On the 1st, Venus starts backpedaling through your sign, followed by Mercury boogying in double-time starting on the 3rd. You’re not known for being subtle, but if you can take a second or three to pause before spewing off-the-cuff remarks, you’ll avoid 1) hurting someone deeply, and 2) making yourself look like a buffoon, especially from the 15th on when Mercury joins Venus’s backward dance. Instead of chancing an embarrassing show of thoughtlessness, concentrate on how to solve a dilemma at work or home.

At the end of the month, the energy shifts your focus to improving your image. A new hairstyle or outfit could make you look and feel better about yourself than you have in a long time. One caution – Mercury backs into your sector of hidden issues on the 29th. Don’t let anything slip that could unravel a secret you don’t want anyone to know. Watch for someone from your past who may try to open that door again. On the 30th, Neptune pushes your creative button and shoots you a healthy beam of intuition. Listen to your gut. That instinct will help you separate fact from fiction as well as sort out a couple of people who aren’t really worthy of your time. Be patient, Ram, and you’ll be amazed at what you can do this month.


Your ruling planet, Venus, goes retro on the 1st in self-indulgent Aries which can push your own love of luxury to the extreme. It’s wise to control your nonessential spending, especially as retro Venus and good judgement don’t necessarily travel hand-in-hand. Mid-month, when Mercury joins Venus in spinning backward, keep any confidential (personal and professional) information to yourself. The gossips are in overdrive under this transit so it’s better to remain silent and save face and your rep than fuel rumors that can spin out of control.

All month, you’ll vacillate between staying home and being social. Romance is in the air, but you might not be in the mood to jump into a new relationship. If you’re looking, you could make a sweet match. If you’re not interested, don’t worry. The main thing is not to let yourself be pressured into anything. The universe is sending you peaceful vibes which you can use right now. This month’s slowdown could also help you reorganize your personal priorities. Have you been spreading yourself too thin trying to be everything to everyone else? Do you need to push pause and rethink a situation that’s been draining your emotional reserves? Take as much time to yourself as you need. You can do that and still not neglect those closest to you.


Your social life starts with a whirlwind of activity as your ruler, Mercury, moves into firebrand Aries on the 3rd. But then that little trickster plays havoc with you after he turns retrograde on the 15th. Are you lovers? Or just good friends? With Venus retro in your friendship sector, life with someone you like can get a little confusing. You’re not known for being cautious but, under this vibe, it’s wise to put on the brakes before you ruin a promising relationship of any kind.

As the planets shift throughout the month, so do your emotions. One night you’ll try to cram in as many parties as you can. The next, you’ll want nothing more than a blanket and a good read. Don’t try to analyze your behavior, just go with the flow.

Near the end of the month, when Venus backs into your work sector, feuding coworkers might try to draw you into their war. You’re good at mediating conflicts, but getting involved in this one could make you look like the villain. Save your reputation by staying neutral. Although you’re usually ready to check out any new opportunity that comes along, you could find yourself reluctant to pursue what looks like a dream job. Don’t be afraid to at least check the details. You could be amazed.

Just as March ends, Neptune brings some different people into your social circle. Adding them to your friends list could open new and exciting doors.


March’s focus is all about your public image and career. While the Venus and Mercury retrogrades might make you reluctant to speak up, there’s no need to worry. Just take time to think about what you want to say and how best to make your point. This month’s vibe helps you to take the direct approach when talking to others. With Mercury in Aries, your words have more impact than ever, and you can score major attention from a bigwig you’ve impressed.

            Your intuition gets a boost this month, especially about your job and whether or not it’s time to start looking elsewhere. By month’s end, you could get offered a promotion or find a dream position that puts you on the path to doing what you’ve always desired.

            Taking advantage of this special mix of cautious assertiveness can also help clear up a misunderstanding in a relationship. Take the first step.

            After the 15th, and even with Mercury retrograde, taking time off for a long weekend could be just what you need to relax and think clearly about your future. Grab your partner or BFF and hit the road (or the skies) for a few days.


Money leaks seem to pop up everywhere as the planetary slowdown hits you square in the wallet this month. You’ll have to put the brakes on spending to avoid a budget meltdown, especially during the first week. This could be difficult because you could also get an unexpected windfall. Bigger tax refund than anticipated? Someone finally repays you the money they borrowed months ago? Whatever happens, the first word in spending is don’t, there are other ways to make yourself feel good.

Mercury’s retro motion begins on the 15th, underlining in red the need to hang onto your money. It’s a good time to see where you can cut expenses, like checking subscriptions you may have forgotten about or don’t really use any longer.

          Travel may be on your mind, but it’s best to hold off until Mercury turns direct on April 7. Plans you make before the 25th could go belly up and stick you with a non-refundable reservation you didn’t see coming. Check the brochures or make a plan of what you want to do, but don’t take action until the sky settles down at the end of the month when Saturn helps you find a real bargain.


            March’s watch-your-money vibes land in your area of shared resources and committed relationships. You’re good at the details, but even you could get hit with a surprise bill you didn’t know you had. If this happens, while annoying, it could be a blessing in disguise because you’ll be forced to look at a financial partnership you’ve let slide. In any case, it’s a good idea to look at any accounts you share with others, including financial institutions, while Venus and Mercury are retrograding through Aries.

            When Venus backtracks into Pisces at the end of the month a long-gone romance or relationship could flare again. Maybe the person wants another chance. Maybe they want to mend fences and just be friends. Be careful that you don’t jump back into a hopeless situation. You can get along, but it will take a lot of effort. Unless they’re willing to do the work, you’ll just end up splitting up again.

            With Mercury retrograde, communication can be a problem. You have a hard time listening sometimes, so be extra diligent that what you think you heard is actually what the other person said.

            By the 30th, the air begins to clear and your sixth sense sharpens. Pay attention to a hunch, it could pay off big time.


            On a good day, you can change your mind fifteen times. How about a whole month of mixed signals and relationship snafus? With Mercury and Venus retrograding through your partnership sector, you’re going to have to get tough or get pushed to the limit. You’re a natural diplomat, but compromising too much this month could emotionally cost you. Set boundaries and don’t worry about letting others have their way. They won’t break, and you’ll earn some respect. Whatever happens, you’ll need patience to get through the next few weeks, so take a deep breath and focus on your well-being.

            Pay attention to your health during the last week of March when Venus backs into your health and wellness sector. If you need a checkup, schedule it. If you can’t calm down, take a day to yourself and turn off the world for 24 hours.

            Not everything is bleak. Just when you think you might start screaming, you could meet someone who erases all thoughts of running off into the sunset. They might be your next big romance. Let your intuition guide you because the stars are sending signs. If it doesn’t feel right, back off. At the least, you could have a couple weeks of fun that helps restore your smile.


            The stars advise you to pay attention to your body this month. Get a chill when you meet a new person? Feel a headache coming on when trying to get organized at work? Getting a belly ache from friends asking too much of you? Any emotional issue you try to ignore is going to emerge as a physical symptom.

            Venus and Mercury’s retro action guides you to consider which of your everyday routines need an overhaul. Consider what you can do to better manage your time, both at work and at home. The sooner you start, the more prepared you’ll be to grab an opportunity that could present itself at work mid-month. An idea you have could solve a problem and put you in the position to lead the team.

            Romance is also in your stars this month, especially after the 8th when the planets get playful. A friendship could heat up into something more. But you’ll have to turn on your Scorpionic radar to sort fact from fantasy. You could get frustrated, but don’t give up. You can forge a sweet connection if you’re willing to listen to what someone’s trying to say.

            At the very end of the month, Neptune slides into Aries for the next 13 years. This major move can awaken your imagination in any number of ways. Write down your dreams and brainstorms. What you imagine today could lay groundwork to completely change your life in the next decade.


            You’re rarely (never) shy about expressing your opinions, even when no one wants to hear them. However, March’s star lineup cautions you to muzzle your pointed remarks before your bluntness get you in serious trouble. You can certainly offer advice. Just don’t do it with your usual well-meant but thoughtless style. You want to keep your tribe tight, not push them away.

            If you’re looking for romance, you could find more than even you’re prepared to handle. Flirtations turn into flings and flings can turn into elopements faster than you can book a flight to Vegas. Be careful!

            After the 15th, you could receive anything from a sudden windfall to a call from a long-lost friend you’d love to see. If you’re trying to sell a property or just posting items for sale on eBay, you could rake in more than you anticipated.

            If you’re in a relationship, your urge to wander may have to take a backseat to issues arising at home. Anything from a DIY project that needs redoing to a loved one who needs extra TLC could keep you from packing a bag for a while, especially at the end of the month. If your home project is bigger than you can handle alone, take extra care in hiring a pro under retro Mercury. If doing it yourself, be extra careful.


            Mercury’s move into Aries on the 3rd, spotlights your communication and short trips sector. A weekender to a favorite and close (within a 100 or so miles) vacation spot can help you relax.

And you will probably need some getaway time as Mercury adds fire to any conversation, especially after the 15th when he flies backward for the rest of the month. Discussions, especially with siblings (in-laws included) can go from friendly to fractious in a heartbeat. This bickering can continue all month as everyone gets peevish and wants their way. You, on the other hand, can just bow out and let them fight it out. You’ve done your share to keep the peace and there’s no need to play sheriff any longer. Keep busy with projects and social engagements that keep your mind off the pettiness. This too shall pass. Chances are by the end of the month, the word-storm will have blown itself out and all will be back to normal without you having to suffer.

Neighbors join the mix with invitations to parties, potlucks, or maybe a meeting to organize a neighborhood watch program. This is a good month to meet the ones you don’t know and to strengthen ties with the ones you do. Taking care of each other is important.

On the 30th, Neptune’s move into your home sector boosts your imagination. If you’re looking to upgrade your space or redesign, redecorate, or renovate, this is the perfect opportunity to begin your plan.


            You usually take everything that comes your way without ruffling yours or anyone else’s feathers too much. Well…this month, your cool-headed approach is going to get tested under the contradictory energy the planets send.

            On one hand, you’re raking in the dough with a raise or gift or surprise refund. On the other, after the 15th, a bill, an expensive item you just can’t live without, or a costly repair drains the green out of your account faster than you can deposit the check. The only way to keep from going in the hole is to tighten your budget until it squeaks. Watch every penny, look for ways to cut back on everyday expenses, and resist the urge to splurge either on yourself or a loved one. Near the 14th, taking a hard look at your financial picture can show you where the biggest leaks are.

            By month’s end, your emotions may get pushed to the brink. Take a day trip with a simpatico soul and let them do the driving while you enjoy the view. Stop where you feel like it and indulge in a leisurely lunch along the way. Clearing your head with a change of scenery can save your sanity and open your mind to a flash of problem-solving intuition that’s absolutely inspired.


            Venus and Mercury move into your money and values sector which causes you to take a look at your cash flow. More important, this transit wants you to reflect on what and who is valuable in your life. Which items and/or people mean the most to you? Who or what might you be ready to let go? Who would you like to be closer to?

            You may be thinking about your self-worth under this influence. Boost your confidence and your mood by concentrating on how your life is working well and what you did to make that happen. Hold those thoughts throughout the month and you’ll strengthen your self-confidence. Only you can hold you back so don’t give your power away.

            Keep things simple after the 15th when Mercury joins Venus in moonwalking through Aries. Don’t overspend. Don’t overthink a problem. Do review, revise, and regroup where necessary. Watch out for a relationship change that could bring you closer to your goal in boosting your earning power. Research new investment strategies and ways to build a wiser budget. Ask for help from a financially savvy friend who can point you to a reliable source.

            The last week of the month gives you a chance to readdress your public image. The world is full of phonies. Are you being genuine or playing a role? Once you shed the fear of being liked for the truth of who you really are you’ll shine at whatever you want to do.

            If you’re looking for romance, Venus and Neptune scatter love vibes everywhere near the 27th. Sweet! The last three days of March are stellar for firing up your imagination regarding a new way to earn money as opportunities turn up in unexpected places.