…on the 4th, when Venus moves into hot-blooded Aries joined by Jupiter turning direct in Gemini, all kinds of passion can explode. Romance can definitely heat up under these expansive and impulsive energies. If you’ve felt stifled or indecisive about taking a trip, your education, or a creative project, the air clears, providing a fresh perspective that renews your enthusiasm. While all this forward energy helps get us up and moving, Mars is still retrograding through Cancer until the 23rd, and can make us irritable and stir up drama.

            To get a deeper look at what may be going on in your world this month, read your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign.


Mars retrograding through your home sector for most of the month can rev up your interest in finally finishing a stalled project. Beware of letting your temper flare or being overly hard headed about getting your way. There’s no need to shout or pout. Mid-month, a ghost or two from your past might rattle its chains again, trying to sabotage your self-esteem. Recognize these memories for what they are—apparitions that can only stop you if you let them. You can be ruthlessly honest with others. Turn your critical eye inward now and you’ll be able to break the power of whatever’s holding you back. On the 4th, Venus moves into your sign igniting your charisma which can help you achieve either a professional or personal desire. Also on the 4th, Jupiter turns direct in your communications sector increasing your ability to charm anybody into just about anything which can help you lay the groundwork for the success you’ve been chasing the last couple of years. Proceed with caution though because Jupiter can also fuel your desire to have it all—right now. So be careful about how you set a plan in motion. Don’t exaggerate. Be honest. Do choose your partners carefully.


On the 4th, Jupiter turns direct in your money sector which could make you feel more comfortable about your financial security. Lucky Jupiter could bring you an unexpected windfall—one of your investments goes through the ceiling—or even a Lotto ticket surprise. Yes, celebrate, but resist any urge to overspend under Jupiter’s expansive influence. He remains here until June, giving you a great opportunity to grow your assets. Continue to take care about how you communicate with others—bosses, coworkers, friends, family, casual acquaintances, even the grocery clerk—while Mars backpedals through your area of everyday conversations. People can be touchy right now, so make yourself clear, but try not to step on any toes. Venus’s move into your sector of secrets and privacy may make you less inclined to share your romantic feelings with anyone, even the object of your affection. You’re not the most vocal sign about your love life to begin with, so don’t worry about wanting your private life to stay private.


The month begins with Jupiter’s direct motion in your sign, making you even more (if that’s possible) receptive to meeting new people, either individually or through a group. You’re one of the communication signs, and with Jupiter expanding opportunities to connect in any number of ways—social media, writing, speaking, teaching, and through casual to formal social gatherings, your opportunity to meet new people is off the charts. You may feel like traveling and meet someone interesting on either a short trip or international vacation. A caution: Jupiter’s more-is-better attitude can make you even more scattered than usual, so try not to automatically say yes to any brainstorm, project, or person that comes along. With Mars backpedaling through your money sector until the 23rd, now is a good time to review your budget and make revisions that can help you stay on track all year. Planning for an expensive purchase or upgrade now, will help avoid nasty surprises later.


Mars retrograding through your sign until the 23rd keeps the focus on how you feel about yourself. The warrior planet can be critical. Try not to beat yourself up about the way you look or get the shoulda-coulda-wouldas about the way you’ve reacted to how others may have tried to force you to act. You are fine just the way you are. Great in fact. Wonderful! When Mars gets in our faces, we tend to boil faster than normal. In your case, he’s helping you reclaim your space from those who’ve tried to push you around. However, it’s wise to disengage from rehashing old arguments. Instead, stand up for yourself in a firm but non-threatening way. Work off your angst by getting physical—walk, run, spend extra time at the gym—to direct negative emotions away from yourself. Venus’s move into Aries on the 4th signals some kind of public recognition. This month is a good time to present a project or time-saving idea to the boss as Venus adds extra charisma to your ability to get your ideas across. Jupiter lends a hand by expanding a secret dream or desire you may have had simmering for a while. Take it out and dust it off. You might be happily surprised at the results.


You rarely have self-doubts, but with Mars backpedaling through your area of deepest desires and soul connections, you may have been questioning whether or not everything you’re doing is even worth it. This transit asks you to get in touch with your real desires. Are you trying meet others’ expectations of you? Are you following your heart? As the planets switch signs, you’ll be able to lose the lethargy you’ve been feeling for the last several weeks and get back to being the confident Lion you are. Instead of thinking about the trip, the class, the creative project, make a plan. Everything’s about to change for the better because you’re about to receive a boxcar of help from the universe. On the 4th, Jupiter sends a burst of energy and luck to your area of friends and social connections. Someone may help you finally wrap up a stalled project. You might meet a like-minded person who not only believes in you, but has the power to bring you financial success. Venus’s move into fiery Aries and this month’s full moon in your sign boost your ego and bring back your self-assuredness. So, shake off the blues and prepare to shake up the world.


You often spread yourself too thin trying to care for everyone around you. But this month is all about caring for yourself. Maybe you’re being pushed around by a group that’s challenging your control. Maybe your friends aren’t respecting your boundaries. Something in your life is out of whack and you should take a step back to reassess your part in letting this spiral happen. In order to do so, you’ll need to give yourself extra time to silence the chatter in your head. Take a day off from everyone, family included. Stay away from social media. Whether you go shopping, to the movies, read a book, or sit and stare out the window, do something just for you. You’ve been bombarded lately, and the only way you’ll get back in control is to stop the barrage by stepping away. Venus highlights connections with your partner bringing decadence to your romantic life. She’s also sending good vibes regarding money matters. You could have success regarding financing a project or collecting an old debt. Lucky Jupiter spotlights your public persona and can bring you the attention you desire to succeed with a business proposal.


Your ruler, Venus’s move into Aries puts the spotlight on your relationships. Close friends, lovers, spouses, business partners are all highlighted. What’s going on? Are you asserting yourself or having difficulty deciding who or what you want? Is someone taking advantage of you? Has distance come between you and someone you’re close to? Are you conflicted about sharing your feelings? Lots of questions, Libra. But you need to answer them before you’ll be able to move on from the limbo in which you seem to be stuck. Now’s the time to start clearing those stagnating relationships that you’ve been reluctant to let go. The universe is all set to introduce a few new and exciting people into your life—once you make space for them. Mid-month, the full moon glowing in your area of casual friends and social connections also signals that your public persona may need some touching up as well. Make sure that you look your best and turn your charm on high when dealing with your boss, coworkers, or meeting new people.


In some way, your world is changing faster than you can keep up. You may be frustrated because you seem stuck in the proverbial rut. With Mars retrograding through your 9th house of travel and self-expansion the last few weeks, you may feel that the world has passed you by or that no matter how fast you run, you never seem to make progress toward a long-term goal. No worries. This temporary slowdown gives you time to adjust your current plans or make new ones. Start writing the book, plan for the trip, take the course, learn about how other people live. Whatever you want to do, Venus and the mid-month Leo full moon team up to give you a much-needed shot of enthusiasm that can clear the fog and get you back on track. The Pisces sun also boosts your creativity, making this the perfect month to bring an idea to fruition. So, crank up your Scorpionic obsession and make your dream come true.


Jupiter turning direct in your 7th house of relationships brings all kinds of new and (maybe) interesting people into your life this month. As someone who’s never known a stranger, you could be tempted to make everyone you meet a new best friend. Take a breath first. This transit is going to last a couple of years, so don’t be over-eager to hand over your heart, your trust, or your wallet to whomever crosses your line of vision. Venus’s move into your area of fun and games puts you in a party mood. Round up your tribe for a weekend trip or a Saturday potluck. Whether you’re doing a room refresh, tearing out walls, or in the mood to trace your ancestry, the sun’s move into Pisces later this month focuses on your concept of home. You like to keep on the move, but after the 18th, the planets ask you to slow down and spend time alone. Listening to your intuition could lead you to an answer for which you’ve been searching a long time.


Mars’s backward motion through your relationship sector may be stirring up old tensions between you and your partner, family, or friends. An issue with a boss or coworker you thought was settled could reappear causing another power struggle. This influence revolves around you most of the month, so before you set your jaw too hard, take a look at what you’re doing to keep the conflict going. No one can knock you off the mountain except you. So, remember, stepping back isn’t the same as stepping down. Venus brightens your home vibe and you may feel like redecorating your living space. Think about adding splashes of color. Freshening your kitchen with bright-colored dish towels, or tossing a rainbow of throw pillows on the couch or your bed will help lighten your mood after a gloomy day. Jupiter’s settling into your health and everyday routine area for the next couple of years. It’s a good time to review what you’re putting in your body, to get a checkup, and to make a plan to improve any health-related issues that need attention. Jupiter can bring you luck in your life and job, however, he’s also notorious for expanding existing bad habits. Take care of you now so you don’t need care later.


Pluto’s move into your sign is going to present opportunities to transform your life. He's also going to dig up issues that can be tough to handle. The idea is to shake out what no longer works and get in tune with the spirit of your Aquarian nature. You could get presented with the opportunity to become involved with an organization that benefits others whether on a local or worldwide scale. You could start a group to help others. Whatever happens, you’re being handed the tools to break out of old, unhealthy patterns and self-defeating beliefs. One way to begin is with the Leo full moon bringing attention to your relationship sector. Check for imbalances in your interactions with those closest to you. You’re usually good at talking people into agreeing with you, but Venus’s arrival in your communication area gives you a silver tongue. For the next few weeks your personal and professional communications are going to take on an allure that few can resist.


Jupiter direct in your home and family area can bring a desire to expand anything from your living space to your family unit. Get your facts first and make sure your tribe agrees before finalizing a plan. Saturn is still transiting your sun, but if you’ve paid attention (or been forced to and finally listened), you should be feeling a lightening of either an emotional or physical load. Although he’ll be hanging around for another year, this second half of his visit can bring positive results if you stay diligent. When Saturn sits on our sun, it often feels as if his sitting on our neck because this planet demands that we work for what we get. If we do the work though, he’s prepared to reward our efforts. So don’t stop moving forward. This month’s new moon in Pisces connects with Saturn meaning that the universe has your back in several ways. Trust your instincts and don’t be shy about sharing your visions with the world.